
Manufacturers highly recognized for the elaboration of high quality equipment and comfort by the best Craftsmen in the region, our objective is to grow as a competitor in the markets, inspired, pride, passion, and commitment, satisfaction to our clients and seeking. Strengthen Equipales 100% guaranteed


To be a number one company, in quality and innovation that looks to the future, nationally and internationally recognized, consistently increasing leadership in current markets, demanding to meet the qualities of the team, we are a team of competitive collaborators and committed to satisfying the needs of our clients.


  • Quality: in the product we deliver to you, our customer.
  • Puntuality: In the delivery, we try to comply with the established times.
  • Innovation: in the design and manufacture of equipment, which makes us different from the competition.
  • Trust: in our abilities to give you a quality product.
  • Commitment: towards our work, which is what allows us to count on your trust.